I have finally completed my scar immersion therapy course with Burrell education all the way down in lovely Chichester. For the build up to this course there was lots of pre learning to complete so it feels like the studying has been going on a while! We were also examined pre attending the course to ensure we had fully understood the course content. I passed FYI.
The course itself was all practical so I could learn and practice my new hands on skills working with some amazingly complex scar tissue. I met some wonderful ladies all with a story to tell and spent the entire course working on fine tuning my new skills whilst also having my own c section scar worked on.
So what does that mean for Robinson Osteopathy? Well it means I can now offer a specialised form of treatment that directly focuses on improving scar tissue and the implications that are often associated to post surgical/ trauma related scarring.
What types of scars? The course was mainly focused on c section, hysterectomy and laparoscopic in incision sites but the knowledge on scar tissues in general means I can apply some of which I have learned to certain scar tissue.
I have more information on this to come where I can explain in a little more detail why scar therapy is important so look out for the upcoming posts I will be dropping over the next few weeks (ideally days but you know two children and life in general *may* mean it takes longer). Hold tight it’s coming!
I will also record some videos for you to show you a snippet of what scar therapy entails.
Over and out for now.
Happy Monday!